K-Learning | May.31.2024

Korean Convenience Store Lunchboxes: Taste and Learn Korean


Experience Korean

through Convenience Store Lunchboxes

- Convenience Store 🍱 Lunchbox Edition -


You don't have to go to a restaurant to experience authentic Korean flavors.  


You can experience the taste of Korea through convenience store lunchboxes! 


Today's content is designed to help you understand Korean words and culture through real lunchbox products that you can only find at Korean convenience stores.



If you're in Korea, go to a convenience store right now!

If you're not in Korea, be sure to visit a convenience store when you get a chance!


🖐 How do you say convenience store lunchbox in Korean?



Refers to lunch boxes sold at convenience stores.


Korean convenience store lunchboxes come in many different styles.

Just like in the pictures below.



🖐 Check out the 집밥(Jipbap) concept lunchboxes below and learn the names of each food item!


This means homemade meals that you usually eat at home.

Nowadays, many people are too busy to cook at home because of work or school. So when they think of 집밥(Jipbap), they often remember the homemade meals their mothers used to make.


① 매운 어묵볶음: Spicy stir-fried fish cake 

② 떡갈비: Korean grilled short rib patties 

③ 새우튀김: Korean fried shrimp 


④ 계란말이, 달걀말이: Korean rolled omelet 

⑤ 햄: Ham 

튀김류: Fried foods 


⑦ 볶음김치: Stir-fried kimchi 

⑧ 시금치무침: Seasoned spinach 

⑨ 콩나물무침: Bean sprout salad 


⑩ 밥: Steamed rice 


Plus Information:

🖐 Our Top 2 Recommended Dishes


💎 Rare Information You Can Only Find Here 💎


1. 매운 어묵볶음(Spicy stir-fried fish cake) 


The correct name is 어묵볶음(Stir-fried fish cake), but some Koreans also call it 오뎅볶음(Stir-fried odeng).  


Why? Because 어묵(Fish cake) is a dish that originated from Japan, and 오뎅(Odeng) is the Japanese pronunciation. 어묵(Fish cake) is a food made from mashed fish flesh.


While spicy stir-fried fish cakes are popular, there's also a soy sauce version called 간장 어묵볶음(Soy sauce stir-fried fish cake), which is savory and just as delicious. Make sure to keep an eye out for it at the convenience store! 


2. 계란말이(Korean rolled Omelet)


계란 are also called 달걀. A staple in Korean lunchboxes, 계란말이(Korean rolled omelette) is very popular. The taste can vary greatly depending on the fillings used inside the eggs. 


Among the various foods in convenience store lunchbox introduced today, which one would you like to eat?



📍 Source of this content: KONOGRAM.com

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