K-Learning | July.05.2024
7-panel Webtoon, Must-See K-Drama Hits, Enjoy Korean with Welcome to Samdal-ri
If you're looking for a drama filled with funny stories and everyday Korean, you can't miss 웰컴투 삼달리(Welcome to Samdal-ri)!
If you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend it.

📖 Words to Know
Before Watching the Toon
- 눈이 붓다: Eyes are swollen(from crying)
⚠️ Puffy, swollen can both be used to express 붓다.
- 펑펑: An onomatopoeic word to describe the heavy and intense falling of rain or tears.
- 펑펑 울다: To cry one's eyes out / To weep profusely
- 역: Role, also called 역할 in Korean
- 연기: Acting
- 시청률: Viewership ratings
- 강추: Highly recommend(short for 강력 추천)
- 미치다: To be crazy / To be insane / To be amazing
⚠️ In this context, it often means something is extraordinarily good or intense.
Let's get started!

In the past, successful dramas achieved ratings of at least 20-30%, with some even reaching 40-50%. However, with the ubiquity of mobile devices, it has become very difficult to find Koreans who sit in front of the TV to watch programs at scheduled times, especially among the younger generation aged 10-30.

Nowadays, public broadcasting channels like SBS, KBS, and MBC in Korea consider a viewership rating of just over 10% a success. For cable channels, a rating of 3% is often seen as successful.
In reality, a dance-related cable channel's program S*, which got a 2.9% rating (it organized a nationwide concert tour in Korea and all the seats were sold out), became so popular that it shook the entire nation of Korea. MBC's drama M* was a huge success with a 12.9% rating, so much so that it was the talk of the town.
The drama 이상한 변호사 우영우 (Extraordinary Attorney Woo), which aired on a cable channel in 2022, recorded a remarkable 17.5% rating. This was a huge success that will be remembered for a long time. Its popularity was so explosive that it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that every Korean you met was talking about this drama.
The ratings for Welcome to Samdal-ri(웰컴투 삼달리) skyrocketed to over 12.4%!
You can see how popular this drama was, right?
Definitely a must-watch, highly recommended!
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📍 Source of this content: KONOGRAM.com